Indigenous Midwifery Webinar Series
17/09/2024Afrika Ikalafe Course Information Session
21/01/2025Placenta as contested territory-webinar
Tuesday, October 29 · 4:00 – 5:30pm
Like many other post-colonial countries, South Africa opted for facility-based medicalised
childbirth which excludes practice of Indigenous rituals and ceremonies. A placenta is
declared as medical waste. The framing of the placenta as waste makes it easily available to
scientists without the knowledge and permission of the mothers.
Using the Indigenous conception of birth as our lens, this webinar will attempt to respond to
the following:
- What is the law that regulate the placenta in South Africa?
- What if the mothers were concerned about where their placentas end up?
- What is the procedure required for the mother to take the placenta home?
- If they do take it home, would they know what to do with it?
Category: Webinar Series