a re-planting of indigenous people’s knowledges in the mind of an African child.

Many years after having worked with different people across the world, Mmatshilo Motsei responds to a spiritual clarion call of returning to the land of her ancestors. Armed with knowledge accumulated from institutions founded on one way of knowing, the Western canon, Motsei is keenly aware that physical dispossession of land came with a loss of ecological, cultural, and spiritual knowledge. A return of land is therefore incomplete if it does not come with a re-planting of indigenous people’s knowledges in the mind of an African child.

It is in this light that the dream of setting up Afrika Ikalafe Pluriversity is set up. The first phase operates as a virtual institution of spiritual learning. This will be followed by creating a physical facility in a rural village of Kgomo Kgomo village, North-West Province, South Africa. For this work of restoration through repossession to work, it will be necessary to create a land-based space for learning and healing.

Such a space will be comprised of the following:

  • Community Shrine/Lekgotla – to honour those who came before us.
  • Spaces for learning, teaching, capacity building and skills training.
  • Spaces for rituals, ceremonies, and Indigenous art festivals.
  • Retreat with overnight accommodation.
  • Residential facilities (ecovillage) which will start small and grow with time.